A Few Words About Planning
Anniversary Planning Team

Tom Blase and Stephen Mabry have been appointed by the Chairman of the Board to plan this event. They will be assembling a team consisting of staff, Lions and volunteers to participate in the planning.

Keep your eye on this webpage for information as it develops. To have all of the latest information devlivered to your inbox, make sure that you subscribe.

We're Throwing
A Party!

The State of Texas officially recognized Texas Lions Camp as a Texas Non-profit Corporation on April 4, 1949. This means that we will be celebrating 75 years of service on this day in 2024.

To commemorate this event, TLC will be hosting a number of events between Thursday-Monday, April 4-8, 2024. So don't say I didn't warn ya - mark your calendars and plan to stay and play at TLC.

Details Are Below:
  • Date: Dates through out the year, see events below
  • Times: TBA
  • Fee: TBA
  • Location: Texas Lions Camp -- Kerrville, Texas
What you need to bring

We'll keep ya posted as things develop.


I believe that from the beginning, God had Texas Lions Camp and the children who would need our services in mind when he placed the stars in the sky. As a matter of fact, when Texas Lions Camp celebrates its diamond anniversary of its founding on April 4, 2024, to the:Year…Month…And, almost to the day…A full solar eclipse will occur. The epicenter of which will be, none other than…Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas. Where will you be?